Message from the Organizer:
Congratulations to all participants on their successful application and competitive spirit during the Greenback Hackathon 2021.
We commend the demonstrated teamwork aimed at solving the identified problem and for their stellar presentations of their solutions to the experienced members of the jury. We are proud that you have shown that there are talented young people in our community who are ready to contribute to the progress of our country, competing with competence and experience, and offering innovative solutions to remove obstacles plaguing our society.
Special congratulations to the winning team of the Greenback Hackathon 2021:
The VICE team with their solution

A brief overview of the competition itself:
Greenback Hackathon 2021 was organized around clearly defined rules of the competition which were accepted and signed by all participants when applying for the competition.
21 applications for participation in the competition were received.
The DOIT team performed pre-selection based on previously defined criteria and selected 10 teams to participate in the competition.
Two teams decided to give up during the competition, and 8 teams pitched their solution in front of members of the jury.
Teams that competed: Vice, Cashflow, SSST team, Snorlaxi, Dynamix, Banconota, Devarch and A team
In addition to the organizing team, during the competition the participants were provided with the professional support of four mentors:
Faris Hadrović, mentor for business solution and application sustainability,
Ivona Ribić, mentor for UX-UI,
Jasminka Hasić, mentor for coding and application development,
Karlo Kukec, mentor for the final presentation or the so-called “Pitch”
A three-member independent jury was selected to determine the winning solution. Jury members were representatives of the IT community with significant experience in various fields of development, management and evaluation of competitive IT solutions.
The members of the Greenback Hackathon 2021 jury were:
Bekir Bušatlić, Chief Technology Officer, Finshark
Dajana Džindo, Executive Director, Foundation 787
Maja Miljević, Head of Startup Enablement, Mistral / Maestral Solutions
To ensure impartiality, and in accordance with the rules of the competition, the decision on the winning application was made entirely by the jury, and the Organizer did not contribute to the selection process for the winning application. The preservation of the copyrights of the participants was taken seriously, and only the jury had any insight into the documentation concerning the presented competition solutions, including the Organizers.
After receiving the relevant documentation from the participating team, the jury members proceeded to evaluate the submitted applications.
The evaluation was performed based on predefined evaluation criteria presented within the competition rules, including:
Business value
Technical soundness
Wow factor
After the participants were informed of the preliminary ranking list, the participants were allowed to submit questions and doubts regarding the selection of the winning solution via e-mail info@doit.ba.
After the end of the appeal period and providing official detailed answers of individual scoring and feedback to the teams, the members of the jury revised the ratings and announced the final winner of Greenback Hackathon 2021, which is:
The VICE team with their solution

Do you enjoy challenges and HACKATHONS?
Are you looking to make an impact while striving for professional excellence?
Together with the World Bank & Embassy of Switzerland to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have prepared something that might be just for you!
How can technology support migrants and their families with up-to-date information about the availability, costs, terms and conditions of remittance services?
The Greenback Online Hackathon will gather the best teams and individuals from across Bosnia & Herzegovina to answer this question. The award is 5,000$ for the winning solution and team!


Amid a global economic crisis triggered by the pandemic, remittances have become more important than ever for low- and middle-income families. Yet, sourcing and channelling them has become increasingly difficult given increased unemployment and limited mobility. In such circumstances, identifying the most efficient services and saving on costs is crucial for migrants and their families.
To address these challenges, the Greenback Hackathon 2021 will bring together the best of talent in information technology (IT) and finance from Bosnia and Herzegovina to build suitable solutions for Bosnian migrants and their families.

The call is open to teams of individuals, with members older than 18 years old, citizens or residents of B&H, who have innovative ideas and great skills to build digital solutions, having a particular interest or experience in technology and financial services.
You may apply as an individual or as a pre-determined team. Each team is required to have a minimum of 2 members with at least one member experienced in coding, UX/UI and business development. We encourage everyone with an affinity for finance, financial technology and entrepreneurship to take this opportunity to develop an impactful solution.
Individual applicants will be assigned to new or existing teams prior to the event.
Design and develop an innovative solution to address the following challenges:

Limited ability to identify and compare the availability, costs, terms and conditions of remittance services
Lack of financial literacy related to remittance services
Lack of financial literacy among remittance senders and receivers
Other challenges team members think it would be good to tackle


Call for applications December 3 - 13, 2021
Pre-screening of received applications
December 13 - 15, 2021
Announcement of shortlisted teams and individuals
December 15, 2021
December 15 - 16, 2021
Three days of Virtual Hackathon
December 17 - 20, 2021
Announcement of
the winning solution
December 20, 2021

The solution can be developed as a mobile or as a web application.
Detailed selection criteria will be provided to the participants at the beginning of the event.
The winning team will be granted an award of 5,000$ for its solution.
All participants will retain all rights to their IP prototypes or pilot apps.
Participation rules and additional information can be found below
Greenback Hackathon 2021 is implemented by

with the support of